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Posts posted by tamap19

  1. I feel your concern and due to some tiny medical issues I can't run or jog lightly, I also feel like a hippo.I have suffered from shin splints and plantar's fascitis since November. I couldn't do the 20 min run and have tried twice. I have to give my feet and ankles a walk rest after 10-11 minutes, so I am going to repeat the days preceding week 5 day 3 and inch forward slowly, 3 minutes at a time til I am there. We all have our issues and should only compete with ourselves.  I have signed up for my 1st 5k on January 3oth, I think I should have waited, but I thought I would be ready. I am still going to go for it, if I walk/run it and finish last so be it. I have to experience it to know where I need to improve. No matter where we finish, we tried and we aren't on the couch, so applause to you and keep trying and keep us informed. Good luck

  2. I am going to try again today, but if I feel I can't do it I will take a 2 minute walk 10 or 11 minutes in. I really love this app. I know we all have different paces, I am just a tad dissapointed I couldn't do it. I also think the colder weather limited my air intake, We had a bad windchill factor that day, (Our winter has thus far been warmer than normal so this was a sudden change for me, I hadn't ran in this kind of temp yet) so I HOPE today will be the hurdle I cross. Thanks all. Love the forums too

  3. It is really cold outside and we have a fairly  strong wind in East Tennessee today, maybe that's why I couldn't transition from 8 minute run blocks to 20 minutes without a walk break. SO should I repeat all of week 5, or repeat the day I failed, or how do I move on? I did the entire exercise plus almost 8 additional minutes, but only jogged 11 mins twice with a couple of walk breaks in between, so I am obviously not ready for this big of an increase in running time. I don't want to get discouraged.  Thanks. 

  4. Orlandomp keep it up! Take it at your pace. I have found every other day do the c25k app and then maybe some weights or something mildly aerobic on other days. I personally can't let 2 days get between me and my effort to walk/jog or my pain returns so on a day when I must miss, I will still wlak at least 15 minutes outside or on the elliptical and that almost reduced my leg, foot ankle pain when I would return to the jogging days. Walk briskly if you can't jog or run, you will build up to it at YOUR pace. So proud of you.

  5. Congratulations Rich183.

    I began day 1 of week 5 today and must admit it felt so good!!! I have had to repeat both weeks 3 and 4 due to holidays and work scheduling and maybe thats why week 5 felt so natural, but I am enjoying this soooo much! I truly didn't believe I would be able to run 30 mins straight when I began this program, and even until this very day I think I might be one who may have to break it down and do it slower, but as long as I get there, it matters not if I do it in 9 weeks or 12, as long as I am being active good things will surely result. Keep it up!!!! I am proud of you and of all of us tackling the effort to lead a more active lifestyle.

  6. Thanks! I am really enjoying this. I feel better already, breathing deeper, more energy, or think I do and that counts even if it's all in my mind! Week 2 day 2, but I repeated one of week 1 and may have to repeat today as a ferocious shin cramp slowed me down and 1 of my 6 runs was interrupted. Not sure if that means I should repeat it, as I did week 1 or how to handle slower or interrupted days but twice I have walked beyond the exercise for 5 additional minutes, just enjoying myself. I am doing some exercises on off days, too. I am very excited to finally find something that may improve my health and I feel I will stick with.

  7. I just wanted to say hello, and start following the forum to see other success stories which will encourage me to keep going. Just finished week 1 and looking forward to upcoming weeks. I want to try my 1st 5k January 30th (9 weeks).. As long as the injuries stay away I am truly motivated to commit for life to running 3+ times per week.

    I started on high bp meds this year, I have a thyroid problem and am 25-30 lbs overweight. Now the doc wants me on high cholesterol rx so this is my motivation, to NOT have to take meds. I am changing my diet slowly and becoming more active. I want the weight to come off but health is the most important factor,  so as long as I lose that weight within a year, I will be happy.

    Few questions: I suffer from plantars fascitis, i do wear inserts in my shoes, which are new balance with memory foam. Any suggestions in brand of shoes or suggestions to reduce risk of further problems with feet?

    Additional question, a few years ago I tried running and I believe i just started too fast, too hard, and i ended up with swollen knees and ankles which hurt like heck, so I didn't even complete 6 weeks. I haven't ran since.. SO If I follow this c25k program should that eliminate that issue? Thanks in advance everyone for any replies or suggestions.

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