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Running for physical and mental health


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Hi All, my name is Jen and I am new on this forum. Thought I would like to share my story and progress so far. 
So I am an MS sufferer now of 5 years and during this time I have had my ups and downs with my health and personal life too which has led to severe anxiety and depression. I have now decided along with medication that I would take to running again to help improve this. 
I used to run many years ago however did not keep this up, I am now returning to this passion and now significantly heavier in weight. I have been training following the app for 4 weeks now but during my last run I suffered from very bad lower back pain which has now led me to have to have a break until this feels better. Could anyone offer any advice to help this and avoid this in the future. 
I don’t want to stop my training as I am hoping to run the GRN in September. Please advise.Thanks

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Hi Jen, and welcome. I've suffered from lower back pain for about 20 years, and I'm just about four weeks into the program (for the third or fourth time). I've found that concentrating on running with slightly tightened stomach muscles has helped produce much better posture for me and has limited my back pain. Good luck!

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