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I'm Theresa, I'm also 46, both kids are grown, well 26 and 19. I have always been active, then after my divorce, I was trying to pursue a marriage, I wasn't sure I wanted, so normally when I'm stressed, I lose, alot of weight but this time, I was already taking antidepressants, So long story short, my ex always complained about me going anywhere, dressing differ ways, so I stopped everything!! After my back got worse, and worse, Im assuming from working out, like I use too. SO after injection, stetoids medications, I left from 165lbs to 235, in 4yrs!! I have my own personal gym at home, the last thing i bought was the Total gym and my kids bought me a threadmill, but anything u see from Beach Body,  I own already, I have them all except cize, Insanity, anything came out this year. Beastbody, T25, was the last new ones i bought but everything I else I have, this is alot too read, but Im trying to find out why I have NO desires anymore, to be this person I will soon post up on my profile. I am now 214lbs, seeing a weight management Dr, I take Phentermine 37.5, Libo pills, carb control pills and at dinner carb control and he gave me Seena, for constipation lol thanks for listening please guys feel free to commit, My heart is awesome, but I take the Truth Very Well 

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Hey Theresa! You are not alone! It's very cliche but the hardest part is getting started. Life is all about momentum, both positive and negative. It seems you've had a rough past couple of months/years and it's got you worn down. The only advice I can give you is to look past it so you can see your TRUE WORTH! You will need to fight like hell to keep those negative thoughts and expectations from creeping into your mind but you can do it! I am a former borderline alcoholic who smoked a pack a day from 22-27 and put on about 50lbs in the process. I was on blood pressure meds and was getting ekg's done regularly at the age of 25! I wanted to get my life back and it was hard!! One step, one meal, one lift, one day. It's all about baby steps. I couldn't even run a .25 mile or bench 25lb dumbbells so I would work out at 3-5am so no one would see me. Things began to change in my mind and heart in a way that I can't explain. I got to a 1/4 mile and then a mile and then 5 miles. I went from 25lb dumbbells to now benching over 225lbs. I have lost all the weight and got my body fat to 8%. It was all because of the positive momentum I built through small gains and improvements that others probably never even noticed. Getting in shape is 99% mental. I am now a personal trainer who likes to focus on individuals who feel that it is impossible. I relate to that so much. Just lift your head up, stick your chest out, realize your worth and take that first step!!! I know you can do it!!!

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