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Anyone get cold or flu symtoms after a run?


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Immediately after my 1st day of week 7 I got flu symptoms. Sore achy throat especially. I dont feel like it was something i had coming on already because I am eating healthier than ever, and I had just been sick all of december, and I rarely get sick. It was a very long run for what I'm used to and I was very exhausted, so I don't know if the heavy breathing brought it on or what but it's been 2 days and my throat still feels terrible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to get a super bad sore throat when I ran, which is why I didn't for a very long time. I don't know if you do this, but try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Since I started really paying attention to my breathing, I don't have that problem anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

running especially long runs causes a  drop in the immune system and hence its natural to get a sensation of cold or flu like symptoms, immediately after the run try sipping hot water and a tea spoon of organic honey! i know it sounds weird to carry honey along but being down with cold is even harder!

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