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Anyone new to C210K?

Guest Fit@40

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Guest Fit@40

Just completed W1D1 today....

I have a 5K I'm running at the end of this program.

Anxious to see how I will do since I'm new to running. It's hard to imagine that when I run my 1st 5K I will actually be conditioned for a 10k lol

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Guest Connie

I'm new too but it's for the 5k. Not sure I even want to try for 10k. Lol. This already seems to be way out of my comfort zone. We will see how I feel at 5k!

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I'm new too, just did W1D1 with my husband today. I am SOOO out of shape.  I am doing this for weight loss as well as just being able to say I DID IT! I am just not active enough and if I have to come up with things to do on my own, I'll never do them.  I can't get the app to work right on my phone, but I was able to use a timer to do all the reps this time.  Hoping I can figure out the issue with the app before the next time. I need it to tell me what to do LOL!

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Guest CargoChick

I am on W2 D2 with the C25K. I think it's been pretty easy so far and I hope I feel the same in a few weeks. I wish I had started with the 10K and I hope it gives me the option when I finish the 5K.

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Guest Guest

I just started and am on w4 d1.  I am 57 yrs old so and proud i am doing it.  I did week 3 for two weeks but was able to run the 3 and 5 minutes today.  I really like it!

On Sunday, my route was 4.2 miles so I ran/walked after the program was over.

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Guest BB81812

I am not a runner, and I never will be. That said, I'm on W6D2 of C210K. I've had to delay a week due to bad weather and traveling. I was not able to complete W6D3 last week, so I'm going to need to repeat the last two days to get me there, I think. I was not really seeing much progress until week the end of W5 (I actually gained weight as soon as I started). I'm hoping to run my first race ever (10K) at the end of August, although I won't be completely through the training program. I'm doing it for the fun of it; like I said, I'm not a runner. I really enjoy the app and it makes training so simple (I just need to supply my own moivation, which if hard sometimes)! I usually play entertaining podcasts (e.g., radiolab, freakonomics, PRI's the world) to distract me; I find it makes the time go by faster.

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Hi Everyone,

I was diagnosed with Leukemia and Non-Hodgkins on Halloween. But, God has a sense of humor and I am beating them  both. I haven't run since the beginning of my nightmare, but am not on Week 2 day 1.


I didn't have the energy to run today....but I'll be out there tomorrow!


I am so glad they put the forum up, it will encourage me to get out there and just 'do it'!


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