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Day 1


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I put if off for 3 weeks out of fear, intimidation, and embarrassment thinking everyone would laugh when they saw out of shape me running. Today, I sucked it up and got through Day 1. The weirdest thing happened, I didn't die, I'm excited for Day 2, and no one even paid attention to me. I'm excited for my future in shape self.

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Thanks Mel. It definitely takes a lot of courage. I'm so glad I started today though. Next Wed, I'll be starting week 2 and that much closer to my goal of getting healthy!! Congratulations on Week 2. It's great to get encouragement from others in my same boat.

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Guest TrishE

Welcome ilizzie! 

Its so funny that we all worry about what we look to others while exercising when in reality everyone is really just focusing on themselves and their own workout, My best friend and I were going to the same gym for weeks without realizing it until we literally bumped into each other after a class! Never worry about what you like because we're all working progresses. Its a long journey and everyone is at a different place. You happen to be just starting which is great for so many reasons. Keep up the good work, you wont regret your decision to begin. 

I hope you keep us posted on your progress and we are here for help and encouragement if need be. 

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