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Week 3 Day 1


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i was SUPER nervous to start this week because just thinking about running 3 minutes discourages me because I've never did it before lol. But today I did! It was easy for the first 3 minutes and I was proud when it was over! ...but the second go round was TOUGH and ROUGH! I usually run on 5.0 on the treadmill but for the second go round I started on 5.0 and slowed down to 4.7. I wanted to stop in the last minute but I pushed myself mentally! I was like "COME ON TASHA! DONT STOP! YOU CAN DO IT!" ...and I did! *takes a bow* I'm excited about finishing but still nervous about tw days ahead lol...

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Way to go!! Thats the way to keep going, you have to mentally strong and determined to finish and you are! I love the quote that the body is capable of almost anything its the mind you have to convince or your body wont go where your mind wont push it. Its so so important to mentally strong when starting an exercise program because its easy to get discouraged and find excuses. Its understandable to be nervous about the next two days of week three but I know you can do it! Just talk yourself through it like you did day 1

Keep it up!

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