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Everything posted by Kathy828

  1. I waited a full three weeks for the pain to not only subside, but to go away. I finally restarted at Week 1 Day 3 and all went well. I am currently ready to try Week 2 Day 3...we'll see..... Thanks for all suggestions!!!
  2. I am 65 years old and have wanted to start the C25K app for some time.. My daughter completed this app a few years ago and loves running and thought I might like it, too. I checked with my doctor and he said there was no reason why I couldn't as long as I didn't start out going zero to 60. I still hesitated and finally decided that I was the one limiting myself. So.....I bought some new, good shoes and started out determined that I could accomplish this. I completed Week 1, with each day being easier than the one before. Week 2, Day 1 was definitely a challenge but I got it done. The next day I could hardly walk. I hadn't hurt my knees and I didn't think it was shin splints because the pain was more under my knees where I have what I call "fat that walks down my legs". I don't know how to explain this fat, other than it looks like pockets of fat and it jiggles when I walk. I don't see it often on others legs and assume they are caused by all of the potato chips I have eaten in my lifetime. The doctor says if it bothers my I should have liposuction done to remove it. That's not in my plan. Anyway, I put off doing any more running until the pain went totally away, which it has now done. I just didn't want to do damage (at my age) because I don't have any issues presently and didn't want to create any with this wish to run. Any hints/suggestions as to what may have caused this and how to avoid having it happen again? I want to get restarted with the program.
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