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Anmol Menon

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Firstly, Kudos to reaching Week 6!! I'm still on week 1 and on day 2 I experienced stabbing pain in my right hand side chest towards the end of my run, about 7-8 mins left. I stopped jogging at that point and it got better. I don't quite know the reason though, and yeah it wasn't the heart side. (Although technically the heart is in the centre)
  2. There is a "distance calculator" app in Google play. You can use to physical mark check points and it will tell you the distance covered.
  3. Wow, I too was planning to start week 2 training asap. Guess it's best to take rest and recover.
  4. Hello all! I'm a 25 year old guy. I used to be pretty active and into soccer etc. But since I started working a couple of years back, I've really become unfit. I am severely flat footed too. So I'd recommend shoes that have good cushioning. Pre run and post running stretch routine is important to prevent muscle soreness at the end of your training. I just started yesterday. Currently covered 3.2km in 30min. All the best to all of you who have taken the first step, getting out of the couch. Aiming for 5km mark soon.
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