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SAHM27 last won the day on August 1 2016

SAHM27 had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Good luck! You can do it! I'm about to start Week 5 Day 1. I'm surprised I have made it this far. Take it slow, speed will come later.
  2. Hi there. I am mostly using this to loose weight and stay in shape. I am just finished Week 4 Day 3. I have checked the scale every now and then. I have maintained my weight. Now I do feel like I have gained some muscles in my legs so muscle weighs more. Could be loosing fat. Around my belly I feel like it has changed form. Clothes still fit the same. Maybe by the end of the program I will see more changes. But for right now even though the scale number hasn't changed I definitely feel better and motivated to make a change.
  3. I there. I am almost 27 and a stay at home mom to an a 9 1/2 month old. New runner as well. It's hard but it will pay off! Going to start Week 4 Day 1 tomorrow. Keep it up!
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