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AverageJoe last won the day on June 10 2016

AverageJoe had the most liked content!

About AverageJoe

  • Birthday 11/22/1962

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  • Location
    Nashville, TN
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Church, Outdoors

AverageJoe's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. I purchased the 7 Minute Workout. Support FINALLY got back to me and admitted there is a bug in the app. I hold out no hope on it being fixed.
  2. I tried using the "Contact Us" feature from the webpage.. every time I fill it out it says "Required fields not completed correctly". have tried every thing, every combination I can think of still doesn't work.
  3. Hi. I am using a Droid Turbo w/64GB of memory. I purchased the app so I could do multiple circuits of the workout. However, when I set the circuits to more than 2 the app dies after the first circuit. If I go ahead and just start another circuit the app doesn't give me credit for the first one. I contacted support and was told to try 'rebooting' my device and if that didn't work to uninstall/reinstall the app (Rookie advice). I did both with no difference. App still dies. I have reached back out to support and they have gone completely silent (no reply to 4 emails). Anyone else having this issue? I am very hesitant to purchase any of the other apps until this one is fixed. I had very high hopes for this, but thoroughly disappointed..
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