Hi everyone.
I'm Nikki, 28 and from New Zealand. I began C25K a few months ago, wanting to commit to a lifestyle change after having two children. My little ones are 1 and 3 now, and I've been completely sedentary since my first pregnancy.
When I first began, I hadnt exercised in years, since preparing for my wedding in 2012, after which I fell pregnant. That first week was killer, I pushed really hard to get through each of the 8 runs, and I really felt it the next day. Week 2 seemed slightly easier cardiovascularly, although I found myself in more and more pain throughout the week. At the end of that week I couldn't even walk. I had developed Pes Anserine Bursitis in both knees, and running got set aside while I recovered.
It was another couple of months before I was pain free, and so I started back at week 1. I was surprised and excited to find that it was a breeze! I felt like a different person. Im up to week 3 now, and I'm absolutely loving it, and actually finding it, for the most part, quite easy.
I did W3D1 yesterday, and really enjoyed myself. I feel absolutely fine today, no discomfort, pain or fatigue. I've been going mon-weds-fri up till now, with a rest day in between each run. I really want to go again tonight, but don't want to overdo it and find myself injured again.
My question, as long winded as it is, is how necessary is a rest day when I'm feeling totally fine? Should I hold out and go tomorrow, or will I be alright to go again today?