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Newbie (1/4)



  1. If you have been running 3 miles, 3x/week for over a month, you should be fine with every other day before the race. Rose
  2. WTG! You can do it! Rose
  3. Good luck! I heart my kettlebells.
  4. Wicking fabric is definitely better than cotton. Male or female? I'm an overweight female and love, love, love running skirts. Way better for me than running shorts. http://www.runningskirts.com (There are other brands but this will give you an idea.)
  5. I would suggest Anthony Luigi's Art of Strength website as a place to start. He sells DVDs but there are tons of educational videos on his blog. http://www.artofstrength.com I also like On the Edge Fitness. Again, check out Lauren's blog for workout ideas. http://www.ontheedgefitness.com Rose
  6. Just found this forum and thought I'd check it out. I'm coming back to running after a break and am in week 1 of C25K. Rose
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