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Everything posted by CalgarySnow

  1. Completed W1D1 today, ironically it was the walking that hurt the most. Was quite happy with the jogging! Had to stop twice just to stretch out for a minute, pain to the right of my shin and calf but only in the right leg. Have had pain in my right hip so that's probably why. Also I need new trainers which I can't get until next week (anyone recommend any for wide feet?).roll on Thursday for D2
  2. Completed W1D1 today, ironically it was the walking that hurt the most. Was quite happy with the jogging! Had to stop twice just to stretch out for a minute, pain to the right of my shin and calf but only in the right leg. Have had pain in my right hip so that's probably why. Also I need new trainers which I can't get until next week (anyone recommend any for wide feet?).roll on Thursday for D2
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