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Fudge here


I am new to the forum but not to the Zen lab programs. I graduated c25k several years ago after being diagnosed as diabetic and trying to lose some weight. After completing the program I got lazy with running but never put the weight back on.


Last year I downloaded c25k again. I completed a 5k obstacle race called the rugged maniac without completing the c25k program. I put everything on the back burner again until near end of year when I started again. I finished it just before new years.

This year I have already started the 10k program where the 5k portion ends. I also do the pushup squat sit up And pull up programs with variations. I fail many days but always keep at it and redo those sessions until I complete them.

This year's goals are to finish 10k program, run a half marathon once, total walk and run of 1k miles, 30k pushup squat and hanging knee raises, and 10 un assisted pull ups and dips. As long as I stay consistent I will get there.


Fudge out

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