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Need advice on 2017 Accountability Goal


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I am recovering from a torn bicep (BJJ) and inactivity. I am setting a (S.M.A.R.T) accountability goal of 10 pull ups by the end of 2017. The Zenlabs app will be helpful when I can do a single pull up, but for now - I am seeking suggestions for a good program to start me towards the goal.


I love the C25K program, but the pull up program here is not helpful to me at the beginner phase.

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I have also set a goal of 10 pull ups and cannot currently do 1. I am using the pull up program as a guide but am doing it on an assistance machine. Currently set on 55 lb assist. Next month I'll start over on 35 them after 2 or 3 months lower to 15 and then finally no assist.


If you don't have access to this type machine maybe work on pull downs? Resistance bands can help with the motion and you can even do it laying down with those. Once you feel you can safely hang full weight from a bar you can also work on just hanging front the bar to get used to the weight. I hope one of these is useful to you.

Fudge out

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