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Running after open heart surgery


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A few months ago I was found to have a congenital heart condition that required open heart surgery. I'm six weeks post op today and I've been cleared to do most activities as long as I monitor my heart rate and stop if things "hurt in a bad way."


Because of the heart defect I had low oxygen saturation and poor circulation to my extremities. I got out of breath easily and stuff like that.


I've always been fairly active, cross country skiing and hiking mountains and such, but running always eluded me.


Nearly all the resources about getting active after heart surgery are aimed at people who weren't active before heart surgery (I mean, for obvious reasons, but still). I sort of feel like I'm going this alone. Even my cardiologist doesn't quite know what to do with me.


I've been walking a ton (32,500 steps on Sunday, I'm really bored) and am going to very slowly attempt to add running in.

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