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Lower leg pain--muscle spasms?


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I'm not putting this under "shin splints" because I don't think that's what this is. I had to do a 5K for a martial arts class, and it did a number on my legs. I am supposed to run again at the end of next month, but I'm not sure that's going to happen. :(


I have tried ice after exercise but it makes the pain worse. I have also worn compression sleeves and they also make things worse. I tried running without them yesterday and did a LOT better.


I'm wondering if the issue is not injury per se, but more a matter of muscle spasms. Like maybe my electrolytes are off, or I'm dehydrated or something. Anyone have any ideas?

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I started to get tight calves when I started running, so I iced them when I got back. It took about 2 days for them to feel better. I told my son and through his high school track training he told me to drink water. I'm really bad at hydrating, even in the summer, so I started drinking the water and found it helps greatly. It's hard to keep drinking but I'm making myself do it - so far it's working.

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