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Seeking advice - How to handle first 'failure'?

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Tried to do W4D1 yesterday and, for the first time, couldn't keep pace.  I was 3:30 into the first 5:00 jog and a right turn showed a steep incline that I just couldn't do.  I went back down to walking.  Kinda lost my form after that.  Jogged as much as I could but the 2nd 5:00 segment was a jog-walk-jog segment.


The good news is that I went faster and further than W3D3.


What I'm wondering is what I should do tomorrow when my next scheduled session comes up.  Should I go back to Week 3 or re-try W4D1?


One caveat is that I seem to still be suffering from some upper respiratory infection (been coughing for a couple weeks but seeing the doctor last week helped ease a lot of that - but I'm not 100% over it yet).  I'd like to think that it was just the fact that my lungs might not be at 100%.




Thanks in advance...

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Guest TrishE

Heres my advice, give yourself and w4d1 another chance :) Trust me we all have hard days or even weeks. Turn up your tunes, keep your head up and just go. Good luck! 

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Still didn't make it..  But I *did* make progress.  I managed to go a around 4:15 on the first 5:00 jog (as opposed to 3:30), only lost 20 seconds on the second 3:00 jog and broke up the final 5:00 on time but with enough energy for a decent kick at the end. Made it about 400m further and lasted 2 minutes longer before reaching the house.


I'll take a third crack at W4D1 on Sunday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried W4D1 4 times now and I've only succeeded in making the 5 minute jog ONCE.  I made some progress towards finishing but backslid a couple of days ago.  The weather is getting better and there's a park where I tried jogging for the first time yesterday and it was more pleasant, flatter, but still couldn't quite do it (there's still snow in some areas).  Oddly enough, for the first time, my right knee is aching when I come down stairs.

I am NOT letting this get me down.  I'm just glad I haven't signed up for any races anytime soon and the only commitment I have is next January!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same story is happening to me in Week 5.  Tomorrow will be my 3rd crack at W5D1.  Fortunately, the apps I'm using allow me to see the performance improvements that I might not see without the tracking going on.  That's what's keeping me motivated.

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