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  1. Thank you!! I just started C25K today and was feeling really bad that i struggled through a lot of it. You have given me some much needed encouragement!!! Congratulations on your accomplishments and keep up the good work!!!!
  2. I have recently started my own run/walk program. My daughter told me she trained for her first 5K by using Couch to 5K and has been running races ever since. So, I decided to give it a try. I have never been athletic or done any running in my whole life, but I have always wanted to be a runner. And, since getting remarried in November, I have gained 15 pounds that I want to lose. My husband is very supportive and goes with me to the beach to walk as I go at my own pace. I want to run my first 5K May 20 in the town where I live and then run one with my daughter and 8 year old granddaughter. Staying motivated and not getting discouraged are my biggest problems. I'm hoping this app helps and that I can gain insight from those of you who are more seasoned runners.
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