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  1. W2D2 done. Ran 5 of the 6 intervals. Then somewhere between interval t and 6 the app crashed and stopped prompting me. Once I realised I ran a little way but not sure if I managed thw whole 90 seconds. Feeling good though and I certainly enjoyed the run despite the wind and rain. My pace is soooooo slow though. I probably actually walk faster but i'll work on speed once i've finished the whole 8 weeks. Also I treated myself to some sport headphones after finishing week 1 as normal headphones are constantly falling out of my ears. They arrived yesterday and I so enjoyed having music go listen to. Although that maybe why the c25k app crashed. I was running c25k, mapmywalk and music and the music crashed a few times as well. I think I might stop using mapmywalk as i suppose it really doesn't matter how far i'm going just as long as i'm doing it
  2. This may sound like a silly question but here goes anyway...... I just started W2 and here its a little bit too cold in the morning to go out without a jackwt but once I get moving i get too hot with a jacket on and because I wear an armband for my phone its not easy to stop and take my jacket off plus I feel like it would mess with my rythme. So my question is, is it better to be a bit cold starting out but comfortable once I start moving or comfortable when I start out and hot and sweating once i'm running/walking?
  3. Hey shevy! I've just started too. This morning was W2D1. Did you get out for W1D1 this morning?
  4. Hey brooke! Hows it going? Did you make a start with the app?
  5. Ok. So I went for it and tried W2D1 today. Had a few hiccups but it went ok. ~man managed to run the first 4 intervals and thwn about 60 sexs of interval 5 and 30 secs of interval 6. Crossed paths with another runner just before interval 3 and he actually sneered at me. Thanks dude! But i ran anyway cuz f**k him. Then halfway through run 4 I ran round the corner and right next to a field full if Podencos (spanish hunting dogs) which all started snarling, barking and throwing themselves at the fence. Startled the s**t out of me and my dog, who hates thats particular breef because one attacked me when we he was a puppy and he fended it off. Completely blew my rythme and I ended up with a stitch hence why my last 2 intervals were a bit short Apart from that I'm feeling pretty good. Haven't lost much weight (about 1lb) but I think i'm looking a bit more toned. I took photos before starting and will take more after week 4/5 then more when I finish. Next week I'll think i'm going to change my route. I was planning on waiting until i was running for longer intervals but the ground i'm currently running on is quite uneven and very stoney so I think i'll enjoy the runs more on tje other route i've got planned. It'll be my treat if I can complete this week
  6. Hi brooke I've just started this adventure too. I've never been fit so this is certainly a new esperience for me! Lol Today I completed day3 of week1 and i'm so proud of myself! I hate it when i'm doing it but the sense of achievement when i'm done is great! I've got 20kg to lose which I think is about 45lb so we're in the same boat. Running is actually helping me to think about what I eat. I think twice before eating something that i 'shouldn'' feeling like I put a huge effort into going for a run in the morning do I really want to ruin my progress by eating chocolate or cake? I'm hoping to find some motivation and accountability on this forum too. We're all in this together!
  7. Woohoo finished my first week and today I actually managed to run all of the intervals. So proud of myself! Probably helped that today I decided to take the dog with me and he kept lookong at me with a "run human hum!" look on his fa e. I was also quicker today according to mapmywalk which again is due to the dog. He's a 60kg great dane so his normal walk is slightly quicker than mine and his trot is also quicker than my run. I'll definately be taking him with me for all my runs from now on lol I think I'm not sure whether to repeat week 1 next week. During run 2 i'd decided that I was but after completing all of the run intervals today i'm not sure whether to push myself. Is it better to wait until 1 minute runs become completely comfortable or try week 2 and maybe not be able to complete all the running? I really want to push ahead with this but worry about losing motivation if I move on too fast
  8. Woohoo finished my first week and today I actually managed to run all of the intervals. So proud of myself! Probably helped that today I decided to take the dog with me and he kept lookong at me with a "run human hum!" look on his fa e. I was also quicker today according to mapmywalk which again is due to the dog. He's a 60kg great dane so his normal walk is slightly quicker than mine and his trot is also quicker than my run. I'll definately be taking him with me for all my runs from now on lol I think I'm not sure whether to repeat week 1 next week. During run 2 i'd decided that I was but after completing all of the run intervals today i'm not sure whether to push myself. Is it better to wait until 1 minute runs become completely comfortable or try week 2 and maybe not be able to complete all the running? I really want to push ahead with this but worry about losing motivation if I move on too fast
  9. Hi all! Just finished W1D2 and it was HARD!! I somehow thought today would be easier than day 1 but it really wasn't. I tried this app last year and several things got in the way and I had to stop before even completing the first week. This time i'm seriously motivated and while I can't say that i'm enjoying it yet (my 2 runs have consisted of me thinking "i hate this, i hate this" theoughout the entire thing), I must say that I feel a sense of achievment when I'm done!. A little about me. I'm 1.70cm (5'7") and currently weigh 92.2kg (no idea in pounds sorry!). Before having my son I weighed around 70kg and the day I went into hospital to have him I weighed 110kg!. He's now nearly 4 and the last few years i've yo yoed between 90 and 95 and i'm sick of it. So i've started this plan in the hopes that i'll actually learn to live excersise and be able to finally shed those pregnancy kilos. I'm allowing myself 11 weeks to complete the plan as I have a feeling i'm going to need to repeat some weeks and 11 weeks actually takes me up to my 31st birthday so I'd like to have it down by then. I'm struggling slightly to find somewhere decent to run. I don't like to run where people can see me so my only option at the moment is a track near my house. Unfortunately its down hill on the way out and uphill on the way back, making those last 2 or e intervals really hard. Combining that with having to run into the wind on my way back today I think thats what made my run so awfull. On Day 1 I ran all of the intervals except for the last 5/10 seconds on run 7 and 8. But today I had to starting walking half way through run 6 because I got a stitch and walked run 7 entirely. I did manage to run all of run 8 though. All in all I completed the workout in almost exactly the same time as Day 1 but I feel slightly disappointes that I had to walk so much Once I can run for longer intervals and don't mind people seeing me there are some lovely routes near my house where the ground in more level. I'm hoping that soo. I'll be able to get over my embaressment and actually start enjoying running
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