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Everything posted by sarah.gauthier

  1. Pigeon pose helps me a lot a though it's better for piriformis. A good stretch for the iliopsoas is get down on one knee and kind of tuck your butt under and tilt your pelvis forward.
  2. Forgot to mention I stretch and work both hips equally
  3. I saw there was a previous hip pain post and didn't want to take over that one. I had left hip surgery for FAI and a torn labrum last July and it's been a tremendous help. My surgeon said my right hip is probably misshapen too but wants to leave it alone unless it tears. I've been slowly getting back into running and while my left hip is weaker and still doesn't have as great range of motion, my right hip has been bothering me, to the point of limping after a run/cool down. Has anyone experienced this? Opposite hip hurting after a surgery? If this leads to another surgery I will not be happy!
  4. Has anyone had success after FAI surgery? I'm 6 months post op for FAI and torn labrum and ligaments and just finished physical therapy. I just started week 4 and so far so good but wondering if anyone else has had success? I'm also experiences really tight hip muscles. I stretch and massage daily but still staying tight
  5. Hey everyone! I've attempted C25K in the past but never completed. Turns out I had a torn hip labrum and FAI so no wonder running was so hard! I'm 5 months post surgery and allowed to run on a treadmill but not hard surfaces. I just finished week 2 and running is 1000 times easier now that my hip is fixed up! Still experiencing muscle tightness in my iliopsoas which is normal for my surgery and some weakness in my glutes but I am so happy to be able to run! Got my eyes set on a 5K in February so I need to stay motivated and have some accountability!
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