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  1. Thanks all for the support! I just wanted to follow up and let everyone know that the 4th time was the charm. It wasn't pretty but I did it. I was slow as a snail but I made it through. I wanted to stop in that last 5 minute run but I kept telling myself "Do it. You don't want to repeat week 4 day 1 again " I see some repeats in my future but that's ok.
  2. C25K week 4 day1 3rd attempt. Nope....didn't happen. Worse than 2nd try. I even had my mantra ready to go. 3 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes. It didn't help. What can I blame it on this time? It was hot or maybe not hydrated. I don't know. I'm running out of excuses. I was going slow; embarrassing slow. I don't know. I'm stuck.
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