Hi all -
I just started running for the first time in my life maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I started C25K around week 4. I was running 4-5 times a week. I was having the usual first-timer issues - shin splints, foot pain, cramps, etc. I typically run 4.5 mph, that's the fastest I was can handle at this point. Well, Sunday I tried pushing myself to 5 mph, and I shouldn't have. I couldn't even do the full C25K workout, and the pain was unbearable. It was mostly in my lower legs. Late Sunday and early Monday my knee started bothering me. Pain, difficulty walking or climbing steps, and my knee pops frequently. Needless to say I have not run since Sunday, and it's killing me, because I was starting to love it. I finally gave in and went to the doctor today. He said he thinks it's either a torn meniscus or pinched cartilage. Either way, he's urging me to give up running. I really don't want to. I finally found something I actually enjoy, and I was really looking forward to running a 5k this fall.
My question is, does anyone know from experience what my odds are here that I can fully recover and return to running (at a comfortable 4.5), or do I truly need to come to terms with the reality my very short-lived running career may have come to a close?
I should note, I went to my general practitioner, I have not seen a specialist at this point.
Thanks in advance for any guidance, advice, and encouragement you folks can toss my way.